Changes from Previous Years

・V2H is now eligible for CEV (clean energy vehicle) subsidies.

・The pattern of subsidies for fast chargers is much less frequent.

・New, additional and replacement installations at motorway SA/PAs and roadside stations, and new installations in vacant areas.

・Additional and replacement installations in commercial and accommodation facilities

 *New installations of quick chargers are not covered.

・Fast chargers are "not" covered in flats, offices, factories, etc!

・Subsidies for chargers over 50 kW are now only available for new, additional and replacement installations at motorway SAs/PAs and for additional and replacement installations at commercial and accommodation facilities.

Installation Patterns for Charging Facilities

Table 1 Subsidised projects and eligible charging facilities (new installations)


Subsidised ProjectsInstallation LocationEligible Charging Facilities
1. projects to install charging facilities at motorway SA/PAs and roadside stations (route charging)Motorway SA/PAsFast chargers (50 kW and above)
Roadside stationFast chargers (between 10 kW and 90 kW)
Vacant constituencyFast chargers (between 10 kW and 90 kW)
2. projects to install charging facilities in commercial and accommodation facilities (destination charging)Commercial and accommodation facilities, etc.Regular chargers, outlet stands, outlets
3. projects to install charging facilities in condominiums and offices/factories (basic charging)Condominiums, etc.Regular chargers, outlet stands, outlets
Offices, factories, etc.Regular chargers, outlet stands, outlets


Subsidised ProjectsInstallation LocationEligible Charging Facilities
1. projects to install charging facilities at motorway SA/PAs and roadside stations (route charging)Motorway SA/PAsFast chargers (50 kW and above)
Roadside stationFast chargers  (between 10 kW and 90 kW)
2. projects to install charging facilities in commercial and accommodation facilities (destination charging)Commercial and accommodation facilities, etc.Fast chargers, regular chargers, outlet stands, outlets
3. projects to install charging facilities in condominiums and offices/factories (basic charging)Condominiums, etc.Regular chargers, outlet stands, outlets
Offices, factories, etc.Regular chargers, outlet stands, outlets
Subsidised ProjectsInstallation LocationEligible Charging Facilities
1. projects to install charging facilities at motorway SA/PAs and roadside stations (route charging)Motorway SA/PAsFast chargers (50 kW and above)
Roadside stationFast chargers (between 10 kW and 90 kW)
2. projects to install charging facilities in commercial and accommodation facilities (destination charging)Commercial and accommodation facilities, etc.Fast chargers

Outline of The Grant

●Budgeted amount890 million yen.

●Public Placement cum Delivery Application Period29 May (Fri) - 30 September 2020 (Wed) *Must be received by

●Deadline and adoption: Five times in total [deadline at the end of each month → adoption in the middle of the following month]

1st round: Deadline 29 May (Fri) → Adopted mid-June

2nd round: Deadline 30 June (Tue) → Adopted mid-July

3rd round: Deadline 31 July (Fri) → Adopted mid-August

4th round: Deadline 31 August (Mon) → Adopted mid-September

5th round: Deadline 30 September (Wed)→ Adopted mid-October

● Grant decision: As a rule, a decision is made within seven working days after adoption.

● Deadline for submission of performance report:29 January 2021 (Fri) 

Installation location Eligible Expenses Assistance Rate

Motorway SA/PAs and roadside stations, etc.

Charging equipment purchase costs fixed amount*
Installation cost fixed amount*

Commercial and accommodation facilities, etc.

Charging equipment purchase costs 1/2
Installation cost fixed amount*

Condominiums, etc.

Charging equipment purchase costs 1/2
Installation cost fixed amount*

Offices, factories, etc.

Charging equipment purchase costs 1/2(*2/3)
Installation cost fixed amount*
*If the application is for company vehicles and 10 vehicles are owned or planned to be purchased, or more than 10 vehicles are owned at the time of the performance report. *The 'fixed amount' for the purchase of the charger is the lower of the cost of the charger purchased by the applicant or the price of the unit as approved by the center. The 'fixed amount' for installation work is the lower of the subsidy amount approved by the center or the maximum subsidy amount for installation work set by the center.

Motorway SA/PAs and roadside stations, etc.

Example of fast charger subsidy application

Assistance Rate

Body cost:fixed price
Construction costs:fixed price


・In principle, fast chargers of 50 kW or more are eligible for subsidies when installed in motorway SA/PAs.

・For installation at roadside stations and in vacant areas, fast chargers between 10 kW and 90 kW are eligible for subsidies.

・Be in a place where everyone can come and go freely.

・Not limit the users of the charging facilities and not condition the use of other services or the purchase of goods.

However, micro-collection of parking fees is acceptable.

・Chargers must be available 24 hours a day.

・Installation of information boards at entrances indicating charging locations.

Example of Fast Charger Subsidy Application

Example of Regular Charger Subsidy Application

Assistance Rate

Body cost:Approx. 1/2
Construction costs:fixed price


・For new installations, only regular chargers are eligible for subsidies.

Fast chargers are only eligible for subsidies for additional or replacement installations where they apply to route charging:charging to avoid running out of power when travelling long distances.

・For mechanical parking, quick chargers are not an option.

・The standard number of regular charging facilities and charging outlet stands that can be installed is 1.5% of the parking capacity or 10 units, whichever is lower. The standard number of charging outlets that can be installed is the number of parking spaces or 30, whichever is lower.

Condominiums, etc.

Example of Regular Charger Subsidy Application

Assistance Rate

Body cost:Approx. 1/2
Construction costs:fixed price


・The application covers condominiums, etc., for sale or for rent.

・Applications by owners of rental flats, etc. for installation in their own car parks are not acceptable.

・The users of the chargers are the residents of the flats concerned or the contractors of the parking lots. However, other persons may use the charger if authorised by the owner of the charger.

・The standard number of regular charging facilities and charging outlet stands that can be installed is 1.5% of the parking capacity or 10 units, whichever is lower. The standard number of charging outlets that can be installed is the number of parking spaces or 30, whichever is lower.

Factories, offices, etc.

Example of Regular Charger Subsidy Application

Assistance Rate

Body cost:Approx. 1/2 (within 2/3)
Construction costs:fixed price


If the application is for company-owned vehicles and 10 or more CEV subsidy-eligible vehicles (limited to electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles) are purchased or planned to be purchased as company-owned vehicles during the project period (1 April 2020~29 January 2021) , the subsidy rate for chargers is 2/3.

・The standard number of regular charging facilities and charging outlet stands that can be installed is 1.5% of the parking capacity or 10 units, whichever is lower. The standard number of charging outlets that can be installed is the number of parking spaces or 30, whichever is lower.

Additional Installation Targeted Projects

Highway SA/PAs, etc., road stations, commercial and accommodation facilities, etc., condominiums, etc., offices and factories, etc.

Eligible Applications

・For highway SA/PAs, etc., road stations, commercial facilities and accommodation facilities.

 Existing charging facilities must be used more frequently and the aim is to reduce charging congestion.

・For condominiums, etc., offices and factories.

 To lead to the further promotion of electric vehicles and other vehicles.

 The number of chargers used on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays during the month with the highest number of chargers used in the last 12 months must be submitted.

Replacement installation Targeted Projects

Highway SA/PAs, etc., roadside stations, commercial and accommodation facilities, etc.

Eligible Applications

・Where eight years have passed since the current chargers were installed and where a certain level of demand is expected.

・Commercial and accommodation facilities fall into the category of route charging (charging before reaching the destination) .

 The number of chargers used on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays during the month with the highest number of chargers used in the last 12 months must be submitted.